PASCN Publications


Completed studies by TDAP grantees are published as PIDS Discussion Papers (DP) and Policy Notes (PN). To check out the grantees' outputs, click on the hyperlinks provided: PIDS Discussion Papers, Policy Notes. PASCN Secretariat also published two (2) books in relation to the Philippine hosting of APEC in 2015. Click here for the link.


2021 Call for Papers on RCEP

The PASCN Secretariat would like to invite experts to submit research proposals focusing on RCEP on or before March 15, 2021. Please click HERE for more information about the research area.
The PASCN Research Grant Program is open  to experts from its member institutions. The research must be completed within 6-10 months after approval. Grantee/s will receive maximum of 400,000 PhP per research. Please click HERE for more information about the research grant.
Topics on RCEP may focus on: (1) Agriculture and Fisheries; (2) Tourism; (3) Labor and Employment; (4) Trade in Services; (5) Investments; (6) Education; and (7) MSMEs. Other topics under RCEP are also welcome. 
Also, another call is extended to Doctoral and Masteral students for the Thesis and Dissertation Assistance Program (TDAP). TDAP is a financial assistance grant to graduate students of the member institutions of the PASCN. It aims to extend financial support for the writing and production of the graduate students' thesis or dissertation. Click HERE for more details on the TDAP.
Should you have any questions, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..